Sunday, March 29, 2020

An Extended Exclamation

Golly seafaring snakes of the only Moses costume department this side of Hataitai! It's just so much of this and that that perhaps we'll have enough to make a bunch of this 'n that. I reckon so. So I reckon. So reckon I. That last one doesn't work. It must stay at home, and it's place is only in incoherent, mixy uppy sentences. Not as common but definitely needed on the front line of erroneous literary scenarios. How could we try things out without creating some incoherency at some point? I'm not sure that would be very try-y outy. Fuck that's pretty hard to say. Actually - 'rural', the way I say it anyway, that's hard to say. Gets caught in my mouth. Like a fish in a net (sorry fish), a fly in a web (seems more ok), a brain in a loop, a meteor in an gravity well, whoa that's fancy - I have a memory of learning a thing about Jupiter that it has one gravity well behind it in it's orbit and one ahead of it, with these clusters of meteors that both follow and lead it. I reckon the person who made up 'rural' (back from space now, well kinda not, just another planet and what's up on that one) might've said it differently to me as it would not come naturally if it was hard to say, surely. Unless you want to only come up with tongue twister words. Oh man - I highly suggest asking people who speak languages you don't to tell you some tongue twisters. You really get to hear a to tongue twister for what it is I feel! Very similar sounds arranged in a confusing pattern, instead of a bunch of words that bring pictures to my mind. Do you get pictures in your head when you hear words? Earlier, I was writing a story to a friend and I so strongly saw the story that I actually kinda stopped seeing the words and the screen. Now I'm noticing it happens often but not necessarily that strong each time.
Lots of love, tomorrow just became today (it was 12:01am at the time of writing).

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